Student Profile Analysis

Student profile Analysis

We understand that every student who plans to study abroad may have a lot of questions and clarifications. Our counseling team initiates the assessment of the information sheet duly filled up by the students and with the help of proper questioning techniques. During the discussion, the student is provided with information related to the intake dates and deadlines, Colleges/University policies and procedures, Costs of tuition fees, etc. At Uniconnect, we provide unbiased counseling to students as well as parents on their preferred country of study, institutions and the program of study. We evaluate individual students’ strengths, weaknesses, chances and interests apart from matching it with top universities where he/she has the maximum prospects of admission. We help candidates in every step of the admission procedure until they land at the university and maintain utmost confidentiality. porta dui libero, consequat hendrerit odio luctus id.


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